Our Values
PEOPLE | Lost people matter to God and therefore matter to us. We focus our time and resources towards the needs and interests of people. (Luke 15:3-5)
RELATIONSHIP | Authentic relationships are the essence of church life. we demonstrate by encouraging and expecting each person to develop honest, loving relationships. (Matthew 18:15-17; Galatians 6:2; Ephesians 4:15)
DEVOTION | Full devotion to Christ and His cause is normal for every believer by continually pursuing God and courageously taking his steps for our lives. (Matthew 12:30-31)
EXCELLENCE | Excellence honors God and inspires people. We need to give our absolute best to God and his cause, both publicly and privately.
LEADERSHIP | Gifted leadership enables the Church to function at its best. This church demonstrates this by creating a culture in which leaders are identified, developed, and supported in every ministry initiative. (Romans 12:8; IPeter 5:4)
Statement of Faith
THE GODHEAD | There is on true God who has revealed himself through his son. The true God exists as the Holy Trinity, The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit.
THE BIBLE | The Bible is divinely inspired and is the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. We believe in the absolute integrity and infallibility of the original Holy Scriptures.
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST | Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. His virgin birth sinless life, miracles, substitution work on the cross, atoning death, and his triumphant bodily resurrection from the dead, is all evidence that he is God.
THE HOLY SPIRIT | We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit as being an additional impartation from from God, which empowers believers to be effective witnesses. We believe, acknowledge, encourage, and actively seek all the gifts of the Holy Spirit as a means of propagating the gospel through mighty miracles, signs and wonders, and equipping the saints of God.
WATER BABTISM | We believe in babtism by immersion of water, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.